Har du inte hört om 1000BodiesProject tidigare så har du det nu, eller snart i vart fall.
Den norske fotografen Kenneth Sortland Myklebust tänker sig låta 1000 personer få en chans att ta en enda bild på sig själv naken och använda en mask precis som det dig behagar. Dessa bilder kommer tillsammans utgöra 1000BodiesProject.
Nyligen satte man upp studio för fotografering i London och på en deltagares blogg står att han blev nummer 379 så jag hoppas att projektet kommer till mina trakter, dvs. Lund, Malmö, Köpenhamn eller i närområdet, före den tusende modellen hittats.
Hade även du önskat delta?
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Photo: 1000bodiesproject.com |
På projekters webbsajt 1000bodiesproject.com står följande information och du kan även läsa mer på Facebook
Imagine yourself in a photo studio, alone and completely naked with a black mask in one hand and a remote camera trigger in the other. You get one shot, and the result is up to you.
Do you dare? 1000BodiesProject is a nude art project about confidence, pushing boundaries, natural beauty and diversity. In a way, it is a dual project: The photo shoots themselves are performance pieces for those who participate, and the final product will be an exhibition and photo book.What separates 1000BodiesProject from other nude projects is the sheer number of people involved, the fact that every photo is shot by the participants themselves, and the choice of anonymity.
The rules of the project are:
- You are alone in the studio when the picture is taken, and you take it yourself.
- You can wear no clothes, but you will be given a mask to be used as you wish.
- You pose however you feel like. There will be no mirror – you take the photo when you feel comfortable.
- You have 1 – one – shot.
Whether you’re an experienced nude model, or have never posed nude, whether you’re a policeman, real estate agent, kindergarden teacher, retired, student, lawyer, office clerk, old, young, fat, skinny, lacking an arm or leg, covered in tattoos or piercings, male or female, exhibitionist or the most shy person in the world, you can participate in this project. Everybody is wanted.