Efter många skisser, avvägningar, färgjämförelser etc så är nu visitkortsdesignen skickad till tryckeriet och jag hoppas verkligen att de blir klara före jag ger mig iväg till VM i kroppsmålning i Österrike. Read more →

Efter många skisser, avvägningar, färgjämförelser etc så är nu visitkortsdesignen skickad till tryckeriet och jag hoppas verkligen att de blir klara före jag ger mig iväg till VM i kroppsmålning i Österrike. Read more →
Yesterday I modelled for Christel Niby and the (final?) result can be seen below. Her idea was me floating in a pink sky, thus the butterflies and the pink rain. I’ve worked with Christel before, that time for a sculpture, and hope to do so again soon. Painting by Christel Niby The video below shows the work progressing in compressed… Read more →
As a warm up for the World Bodypainting Festival starting in three weeks I participated as one of three models in the Fantasy Bodyart Workshop lead by Victoria Gugenheim. I hope to be able to share some pictures of me from that event as soon as I get them. At the WBF I will be participating as model in the competition on Saturday and already have… Read more →
Äntligen börjar det röra sig på konstmodell.se och det första är att ett kontaktformulär finns tillgängligt. Read more →
I’ve now signed up for modelling at the World Bodypainting Festival and will be there the whole week, as it seems. Please contact me if you need a model for any workshop, competition or photo shoot, just to let me know that you too will be there or any other question. I hope to see you there and to have… Read more →
Google and Lego have together created a web world map where you can build with Lego bricks. In central Malmö there’s a QR code in Lego and it will be interesting to see if anyone will try it out. Just how curious are you? Read more →
Igår var jag för andra gången modell på för en trevlig privat arrangerad träff för konstnärliga vänner. Det var andra gången de träffades och jag hade frågat om någon kunde ta med teckningar från första tillfället i november förra året. Här ser ni teckningar på mellan två och tio minuter. Det blev visst bara stående ställningar som togs med men… Read more →
On Friday afternoon the postponed outdoor photo shoot with Rebecca Gustafsson took place in a very nice piece of nature near Lund. Rebecca is currently studying photography in Denmark and contacted me a few weeks ago presenting her project and need for models. I hooked her up with a few other models and it is nice to be able to… Read more →
Yesterday I had a creative photo session in a relaxed and nice theme and on Thursday morning I’ll have another at sunrise, hopefully very much shorter sine it is an outdoor nude winter one. Keep an eye open for more info and pictures, hopefully soon, and keep your fingers crossed for a mild and sunny Thursday morning. Update 2014-01-14 Here’s… Read more →
It’s been a calm holiday period and I’ve got an itch in my modeling nerve. 🙂 Some photography projects are being discussed and the next life modeling for a nice private group is soon. The photos are in the fine art nude genre, one of the photographers is focused on macro bodyscapes and another one is exploring nude in public… Read more →